Live Music
Street Fair Vendors
Costume Contests
Trunk or Treat Event
Rib Fest
Church Stain Glass Window Tour
Ball Drop w/ Prizes
"Show us What You Got" Antiques Collectable Show
Library's Lego Day
Zombie Tag w/ Prizes
Live DJ
Detroit Circus
Aerial Acrobatics
and Street Performers
Monstrosities Art Show
Haunted History Tours
Pokemon Event
"Human" and Pet Costume Contests
Frank Polito Reading and Book Signing
Lighted Halloween Parade

Crown Construction, Inc.
We ~ The People

Do to last minute restrictions
by the Macomb County Sheriff's Department
we had to cancel our 11th
5K Run, Shuffle & Walk
We apologize for the inconvenience.
(...and if find this annoying, let the Macomb county sheriff and the county Supervisor know, so we might have a run next year)
Event Photos!